Map of Stories

The Story of Coinneach Odhar and the Stone
Peggy MacDonald

Peggy MacDonald tells the story of how Coinneach Odhar – also known as the Brahan Seer – gained the gift of prophetic vision. It is said that he had the gift of An Da Shalleadh, or the Second Sight. Coinneach was born on the Island of Lewis around the beginning of the 17th century. He lived at Loch Ussie near to Dingwall in Rossshire and worked as a labourer on the nearby Brahan estate, the place which gave him his name. He famously prophesised the Battle of Culloden as well as foreseeing more recent events, such as World War Two and the Piper Alpha disaster.

The story was recorded in 1958 by the School of Scottish Studies. You can listen to the original tape on the online archive resource Tobar an Dualchais: Track 39695